How To Delete Bookmarks On Mac Chrome?

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Chrome is a great browser. People are slowly moving away from Internet Explorer in favor of Google Chrome. It’s lightweight, fast and easy to use. But like every other browser out there, it has limited functionality. With that said, you can add functionality to it by adding extensions and bookmarklets etc. Today we will be talking about deleting bookmarks on Mac Chrome using the Dev Tool extension.

Delete Bookmarks on Mac Chrome

If you link some bookmarks to your browser that you do not require, then you have to erase them. Some websites that you have on the browser may cease to run or the large number of bookmarks that you saved can make your device lazy. So, deleting them on regular basis is better for your device and browsing. In this article, we will give you a proper idea about how to delete bookmarks on Mac Chrome.

Before You Get Started

You may delete bookmarks on Mac Chrome applying various approaches. Here, we will tell you about these three effective and quickest ways given below:

  1. Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Bookmark Bar.
  2. Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Bookmark Manager.
  3. Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Command Line.

So, without wasting more time, let’s move on to deleting bookmarks on Mac Chrome.

Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Bookmark Bar

  1. Launch the Google Chrome browser on your Mac operating system. You will get it in the “Applications” option of the “Finder” menu on Mac.
  2. Locate the bookmark you wish to remove from the bookmark bar. Select the bookmark.
    Select the bookmark
  3. Open the options by clicking the right button on the mouse. Go for the “Delete” option from the list.
    The Delete Option
  4. It will remove the chosen bookmark quickly. The bookmark will vanish from the Bookmark Manager, Bar, and Library on your Mac.

Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Bookmark Manager

  1. You may also delete all the bookmarks or specific bookmarks by applying the Bookmark Manager on your Mac.
  2. Launch Google Chrome. Locate the “Settings” icon from the top right side of the window. Click on the “Bookmarks” option.
    Select the Bookmarks option
  3. Locate the “Bookmark Manager” option. Select it. You may also launch it by holding the “Shift” button and selecting the “Command” and “B” buttons together.
    Launch the Bookmark Manager
  4. Now, all the available bookmarks will come out on the screen. You can remove all of them by selecting all of them using the “Command” and “A” buttons consecutively. And, open the options menu by right-clicking. Go for the “Delete” option. Or, you may right-click on the specific bookmark you wish to erase. And, erase them gradually.
    Select the bookmark
  5. Then, click on “Delete” from the appeared options list. It will remove the bookmark quickly.
    Click on Delete
  6. Furthermore, you may apply the Bookmark Manager application in other approaches. Access the “Bookmark Manager” option again. A new options window will come out.
  7. Hold down the “Command” button and select the “Shift” and “O” buttons from the Mac keyboard.
  8. It will launch the bookmark. Put “Chrome://bookmarks” in the given space for the Mac Mac address. It will take you to the preceding window.
  9. Remove every history of your browser. And, it will erase all the bookmarks along with it.

Deleting Bookmarks on Mac Chrome using Command Line

  1. Command-line is also applicable to remove bookmarks. Launch the terminal window. Then, put this command:
    Apply this command
  2. Delete the bookmark applying this given command:
    Delete the bookmark apply
  3. After that, you can access the Google Chrome cleared of bookmarks. If you wish to return to the former window, apply this command:
    Put this command
  4. Then, again attach new bookmarks to the browser and initiate.

So, following these instructions given above, you can delete bookmarks on Mac Chrome conveniently.